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Embarking on a journey?

Ensure your health is the least of your worries with Kinsealy Medical Centre's comprehensive Travel Health Service. Our dedicated medical team offers personalized consultations to discuss the specifics of your trip, providing expert advice on necessary vaccines and malaria protection tablets. We also offer discounts for groups of 2 or more booking.

During your consultation, our experienced professionals will guide you through the details of malaria protection tablets, covering potential side effects, costs, and precise instructions on when and how to take them. If deemed necessary, a prescription for malaria protection tablets will be provided. Our service includes a completed vaccine record booklet, complete with a Yellow Fever Certificate if required.

At Kinsealy Medical Centre, we offer travel vaccinations for a range of conditions,

For your peace of mind, our contact details will be shared, allowing you to email the doctor you consulted with for health advice while abroad. We are committed to addressing any questions or concerns you may have, ensuring your journey is not only memorable but also health-conscious. Travel confidently with Kinsealy Medical Centre.


Where necessary, we can vaccinate you for the following conditions. Click below to learn more about each vaccine 

Yellow Fever



Hepatitis A/ Hepatitis B

MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella)


Meningitis ACYW-135

Japanese Encephalitis


Varicella (Chickenpox)

Influenza/ Pneumococcol

Tick-borne encephalitis

Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

Dengue Fever

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